We made it, folks! It is officially the end of the summer for us Story Gathering Interns. We spent the summer traveling throughout ASP’s service area gathering stories and capturing the incredible work of our volunteers and summer staffers. For our final goodbye, we wanted to keep up the tradition and do a joint blog where we answer interview questions that we have been asking others all summer.  

How did you hear about ASP? 

Taylor: During my sophomore year of college, my university announced they would be hosting an Alternative Spring Break through ASP. I looked into the organization and decided to attend the trip almost immediately. While on the trip, I heard about this position and knew it would be perfect for me.  

Sarah: The first time I heard of ASP was when I stumbled upon the job posting for this position on a website we use at my college for internships. I had never heard of Appalachia Service Project from my small hometown in Mississippi, but now I am so thankful that I checked my school email that day. They say God works in mysterious ways, and this experience and summer has been proof of just that.  


How has ASP impacted you? 

Taylor: I never anticipated that this summer would fulfill me personally, creatively, and professionally like it has. Before this summer, I wasn’t as confident in my plans or my ability to succeed in accomplishing my goals. Throwing myself into this position helped me realize how capable I am. Now, I am ready to go forward in life and blossom, carrying this experience and the people I have met with me wherever I go.  

Sarah: ASP has impacted me in so many ways; it would honestly take me all day to tell you each one. I have, firstly, learned so much about Appalachia and its people. The beauty and culture of this part of the country has opened my eyes more to the world around me. ASP has impacted my heart for others. Though construction is far from my best skill, it has been inspiring to see others step outside of their comfort zones each week to make a difference in the lives of homeowners here in Appalachia.  


How has ASP helped you grow in your faith?  

Taylor: During my time with ASP, it has really sunk in how sacred and beautiful Appalachia is. I don’t have to look beyond these hills to find my faith. 

Sarah: ASP has grown my faith in one way or another, every day that I’ve been here. One way is in seeing the faith and love of homeowners we’ve served even amidst life dealing them some really tough hands. The resilience of Appalachian people is what inspired one of Taylor’s blogs, but it is a recurring theme we’ve seen this summer during our travels. My summer with ASP has also deepened my love for people so much. I no longer love others despite our differences but rather because of them. As humans, we all have different traits, skills, and opinions that are unique to us, and it really speaks to my heart the creativity of God in how he designed each of us.  


Why should others apply to work with ASP?   

Taylor: There is simply nothing else like ASP. Anyone even remotely interested can find their place somewhere in this organization, whether that be for a week of volunteering, a summer on staff, or for a long-term career. It is awesome to see ASP just fit right into people’s lives and transform them.  

Sarah: ASP is a once in a lifetime experience, truly one I know I’ll never forget. While you can volunteer with ASP for decades, there are only a few years where you can have the unique experience that being a summer staffer or even a Story Gathering Intern can provide. If you love ASP, I recommend applying. You will gain a much deeper insight into the true impact and heart behind this beautiful organization. 


What is your favorite ASP memory?  

Taylor: My favorite memory from this summer is coming back to the Porch as the end of the summer and hearing about all the work the staffers did this summer. I was just in awe of how much of an impact they had and how lucky I am to be in a community with such amazing young people. I also loved watching the Olympics with everyone. I have never watched them, but I am a fan now.  

Sarah: Though there are so many incredible memories I have from the summer, the ones that stick out to me most are the small ones. My favorite memory is one that I can recount doing nearly every day this summer, which was driving through the beautiful scenery of Appalachia, with the windows down, jamming out to music with Taylor on our way to and from worksites and counties to meet the incredible people of ASP. These small moments were full of nothing but joy, and I smile just remembering the happiness I felt with the sun on my skin and wind in my hair as we sang along to our favorite songs. 


Bonus question: What has been your favorite restaurant this Summer? 

For context, we made it a mission to try all the fun spots that are often recommended in each county. We wanted to impart our top recommendation onto all of you. 

Taylor: My favorite restaurant has got to be The Portal Pizzaria in Harlan, Kentucky. They have so many options that are all delicious, the best ranch around, and they make their own cherry Coke. It is just the best meal after a long day in the sun.  

Sarah: My favorite restaurant, without a doubt, would have to be Showtime Pizza and Tanning in Breathitt County, Kentucky. Showtime isn’t just a restaurant; it’s an experience. With a restaurant, tanning bed area, boutique, and coffee shop piled into one building, it seemed like absolute heaven to me. It’s a one stop shop for a girly girl like me, and they even served loaded teas (which I am obsessed with). Showtime is a must-try for anyone in the local area! I definitely plan to visit again in the coming years. 


Well, that concludes our final takeaways from this incredible summer with ASP! We hope you have enjoyed hearing stories from our travels throughout Appalachia. ASP has blessed us both this summer in ways we will never forget, and we are so thankful to have had this amazing opportunity. The two of us are already looking forward to following along next year’s story gathering journey! 

Taylor Beam & Sarah Brassfield

Story Gathering Interns