New Build

Use your construction skills to build new homes for families in Central Appalachia.

Types of Projects


ASP's new homes are completed in part by our staff with subcontractors, and we utilize skilled volunteers for some key tasks, including:

  • Framing
  • Roofing
  • Siding
  • Insulating
  • Flooring and Trim
  • Porches and Ramps

Volunteer Locations

ASP is able to build new homes in specific locations based on funding sources and maintains a goal to expand the program across our region.

  • Northeast Tennessee – New homes in the Tri-Cities area
  • Hancock County, Tennessee – This area is consistently ranked one of the most distressed counties in the state, and ASP will be focusing efforts to boost this area.

Participant Requirements

  • Minimum group size is one work crew (5-7 individuals)
  • Skilled adult volunteers preferred
  • All adults must have a completed background check
  • Groups must provide their own transportation. Each work crew needs their own vehicle.
  • Groups provide their own accommodations and meals; ASP can provide information about where previous groups have stayed.
  • ASP believes that each person is a child of God, imbued with dignity and worth. All are welcome to respectfully and peacefully participate with ASP, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status.

Service Dates

New Build volunteers are needed year-round. Please contact us to find out more about project timelines and volunteer opportunities.

Connect with our Team

Race to Build Event

Race to Build is an annual event when Appalachia Service Project partners with the Bristol Motor Speedway during a NASCAR race. Teams come together and compete to build new homes for families in the Tri-Cities region.

Learn More

Warmer. Safer. Drier.®

Relationship Ministry


Who is ASP?

Warmer. Safer. Drier.®

ASP volunteers provide high quality home repair for Appalachian families

Relationship Ministry

ASP volunteers and families develop life-long relationships


Everyone who comes into contact with this ministry is transformed

Wonderful program and wonderful people! A true blessing to this area.

Rebecca CrawfordCommunity Member

A wonderful way to help some of the kindest people you will ever meet in this great country. Either helping by funding, or even better, serving in person. You come back a much better person.

Karen DomanAdult Volunteer

I'm an advocate of helping others in need, and this offers a chance to let others know that they can make a difference in someone's life.

Linda KlecknerAdult Volunteer

Helping Hands

Serve as an individual and use your construction expertise to accomplish skilled repair projects

Year-Round Trips

Take a mission trip and serve with our repair program

Disaster Recovery

When a natural disaster strikes in the ASP service area, our team responds with replacement homes

Helping Hands

Serve as an individual and use your construction expertise to accomplish skilled repair projects

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Year-Round Trips

Take a mission trip and serve with our repair program

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Disaster Recovery

When a natural disaster strikes in the ASP service area, our team responds with replacement homes

Learn More