Virtual Staff Alumni Weekend


7:30pm EST | Folk & Lore

One of our favorite traditions….we know you’ve missed this! Come join us for an hour of staff stories.

Better yet, let’s make it a competition! Send some of your best staff stories, in video format, to and you may even be featured in this event.

Join Us on Zoom!

FRIDAY | FEBRUARY 25th, 2022

7:00pm EST | Community Panel About Appalachia

Join us for conversations with local community partners and leaders about what is happening in Appalachia. This year’s evening gatherings will include videos highlighting economic development and successes in the region. We are excited to share some of this with our alumni as well and provide opportunities to ask questions of our panelists.

Join Us on Zoom!

The panelists include:

Chris Doll

Chris Doll is the Assistant Director at the Housing Development Alliance in Hazard.  He was worked there for over 25 years and has helped over 330 families become new home owners as well as been part of nearly a thousand repairs.  He lives on a mountain just outside of Hazard with his wife Jennifer (also an ASP alum) and their daughter Libby.

Luke Glaser

Luke Glaser is a native of Louisville, Kentucky and came to Hazard and Appalachia in 2013 through the Teach For America Program. He jump started the Advanced Placement program, and his students regularly beat state and national averages on the AP Calculus exam each year. In addition, he restarted the Hazard Theatre program, which prides itself on being student run and student led. In 2018, Luke ran for city commissioner in Hazard, and is now in his second term. His work focuses primarily on downtown revitalization, engaging young members of the community with their government, and infrastructure modernization

Bailey Richards

Bailey Richards is the downtown coordinator for the City of Hazard. She is the first person hired by both the City of Hazard and Perry County with one joint mission, to bring back downtown. Over the last 3 years the city has seen 36 new businesses open downtown, 16 of which opened in 2021. She promotes small locally owned business development as a means of economic growth and tourism recruitment.


10-11 AM | Coffee with Admin

Stay up to date with ASP news by joining us for our annual Alumni Weekend Fireside Chat with ASP leadership. We will share a wide variety of updates about changes and plans for in 2022 including ASP’s new strategic plan and goals for future alumni engagement.

The session will start with the updates and then open up for discussion/Q&A afterwards.

Join Us on Zoom!

SUNDAY | FEBRUARY 27th, 2022

10 - 11 AM | Worship

Wrap up the weekend with an ASP style worship service. Tune in for the hour-long service comprised of classic ASP songs and a short devotional. This event will be livestreamed on the ASP Staff Alumni Facebook page. If you haven’t already, be sure to join soon!


Rally that ASP Alumni Spirit with activities to prep for 2022 Alumni Weekend

Feb 3-10 | Throwback Photos

We want to see your favorite staff photos:

  • Option 1: Classic staff throwback picture
  • Option 2: Picture of you and the last time you hung out with an ASP Staff Alum

Post on social media and tag ASP (@appservproject), or post in the ASP Alumni Facebook page

Feb 10-17 | Send a Letter to a Future Staffer

ASP staffers LOVE to hear from alumni – it is a great way to engage in this amazing community and helps them feel a part of something bigger. So, we need your help.

We’re looking for Staff Alumni to write a letter of encouragement to a staffer. We will need 115-130 letters this summer! Mail them by May 1, 2022 to:

Attn: 2022 Staffer

4523 Bristol Hwy

Johnson City, TN 37601

Feb 17-24 | ASP Bingo

Are you still hanging onto ASP swag? Is it in a box under your bed or proudly displayed? This is your chance to reminisce and show off some of those items with ASP Bingo! In a friendly “competition” you’ll get points for certain items (and extra points for some extra fun things).

Share your points and/or photos of your favorite items with your fellow alumni on social media and the Alumni page.

Here’s the ASP Bingo Card!

Complete the survey no later than Thursday February 24th, at Midnight EST. Highest scores will be announced at Folk & Lore and on social media.

All are welcome, but registration to each session is required

Click on each session for details & registration links