More Ways to Give
Choose how you can support Appalachia Service Project
Smart Giving Options
Monthly Giving
your monthly gifts helps ASP budget more effectively and say yes to more families in need.
Donations of Stock
Smart Giving Options
Many of our donors are opting for smarter, non-cash giving options that help repair homes for low-income families and offer a variety of tax advantages. These choices include donating stock, giving from your IRA, or making a grant from a Donor-Advised Fund. ASP can also accept donations of cryptocurrency.
More InformationCreate a Legacy
By including a gift to Appalachia Service Project in your will, you can create a legacy to repair homes and build hope for generations to come.
More InformationMonthly Giving
Carpenter’s Club are ASP’s group of core, committed monthly donors. Carpenter’s Club members provide ASP with a steady income, allowing us to make even more homes warmer, safer and drier for families throughout Appalachia. Knowing we can count on
your monthly gifts helps ASP budget more effectively and say yes to more families in need.
Beneficiary Designation
Do you have an IRA, 401(k), life insurance policy, or any other non-probate assets not included in your will? If so, you can designate ASP as a beneficiary of one or more of these to establish your legacy.
More InformationPlease Let Us Know
If you’ve already included ASP in your estate plan, please fill out this quick form so we can say thank you and ensure our records are up-to-date.
More InformationMatching Gift Programs
Many companies offer matching gift programs that will double, and in some cases triple, the value of their employee’s gifts.
More InformationSponsor a rocking chair
Many of the rocking chairs on the Jonesville porch are aging and need to be replaced. Will you sponsor the purchase of a new, weather-resistant rocking chair dedicated to a friend or loved one?
More InformationDonations of Stock
Many of our donors are opting for smarter, non-cash giving options that help repair homes for low-income families and offer a variety of tax advantages. These choices include donating stock, giving from your IRA, or making a grant from a Donor-Advised Fund. Use this secure online resource to learn more and make your gift in just a few minutes.
More InformationIn-Kind Gifts
Provide clothing, food, and school supplies to Appalachian families by donating to one of ASP's community partners
More InformationMatching Gift Programs
Many companies offer matching gift programs that will match volunteer service hours as well as double, and in some cases triple, the value of their employee’s gifts. Some companies will even match gifts and/or volunteer hours made by retirees, spouses and/or children. Please contact your company’s human resources department to determine if your company has a matching gift program and whether your gift to ASP is eligible for a match. For more information, contact ASP’s Senior Director of Advancement, Lyssa Hunter Haddock, by email.
Planned Giving
By including a gift to Appalachia Service Project in your will, you can create a legacy to repair homes and build hope for generations to come. Our partner, FreeWill, offers a secure online resource to help you make or update your will in just 20 minutes for free.
Do you have an IRA, 401(k), life insurance policy, or any other non-probate assets not included in your will? If so, you can designate Appalachia Service Project as a beneficiary of one or more of these to establish your legacy. FreeWill can help you plan for all your non-probate assets.
If you’ve already included ASP in your estate plan, please fill out this quick form so we can say thank you and ensure our records are up-to-date.
Many of our donors are opting for smarter, non-cash giving options that help repair homes for low-income families and offer a variety of tax advantages. These choices include donating stock, giving from your IRA, or making a grant from a Donor-Advised Fund. Use this secure online resource to learn more and make your gift in just a few minutes.
If you have any questions about including Appalachia Service Project as a beneficiary in your will, life insurance, retirement, or estate plans, please contact Lyssa Hunter Haddock, Senior Director of Advancement, via email.