Staffer in Training Program

Shadow an ASP staff for a week to see if Summer Staff is right for you.

Applications for Summer 2025 will open in May 2025


ASP’s Staffer in Training (SIT) program allows those interested in applying for summer staff to see firsthand what a week in the life of the staff looks like. Going through the SIT program is a great way to get a real picture of the responsibilities of a summer staffer.

  • SITs go through a week shadowing a staff team.
  • They will do site visits, eat meals with volunteers, sit in on nightly staff meetings, and more.
  • SITs are expected to act more like staffers than volunteers. We’re looking for energized, passionate, and flexible candidates who want to learn what it is like to be a staffer and are willing to help the staff in any way possible.
Full Job Description


SITs are evaluated by the staff at the end of the week, and this evaluation will contribute to a SIT’s formal summer staff application if they choose to apply.

Requirements include:

  • SIT applicants should have significant interest in being on staff. This week should not be used as just another volunteer opportunity.
  • To be eligible to be a SIT, individuals must be 18 (or turning 18 over the summer) and have graduated from high school.
  • Provide own transportation to and from your assigned center location.

Where & When


ASP works in more than 20 communities throughout Central Appalachia each summer. ASP serves in Eastern Kentucky, Western North Carolina, East Tennessee, Southwestern Virginia, and Southern West Virginia.

ASP summer staffers live and work in one community along with their staff. Staff’s live and work at an ASP summer center, which are often schools, churches, or community centers.

ASP Centers Listing


The SIT application opens at the beginning of each summer, and staffs will host SITs from Week 2-7. You will request a specific week in your application.

Application Process

Follow the link to submit an application (including a resume, 2 references, and week and region preferences).

Optional: Select ‘Yes’ on your application to apply for summer 2025 (the hiring team will reach out with more details if approved).

If you have any questions, please reach out to the hiring team at or check out the SIT Manual.
Staffer in Training Manual

Who is ASP?

Warmer. Safer. Drier.®

ASP volunteers provide high quality home repair for Appalachian families

Relationship Ministry

ASP volunteers and families develop life-long relationships


Everyone who comes into contact with this ministry is transformed

Warmer. Safer. Drier.®

Relationship Ministry


What it's like to be on ASP Staff

It is the most challenging, rewarding, transformative, and amazing thing I have every done. And as crazy as it sounds, I would do it again in a heartbeat.

2018 Summer Staffer

DO IT! It is the most life changing and love filled summer I have ever had.

2019 Summer Staffer

It is the most fulfilling thing you could do for a summer. You will never question if what you are doing is right or just. You will spend the rest of your life transformed by the unconditional love and acceptance that this ministry encourages every day.

2019 Summer Staffer

Year-Long Fellowships

Join ASP for a year of service and discernment.

Summer Staff

Host volunteers and make an impact.

College Alternative Break Trips

Serve with a group of volunteers from your school for an alternative break trip.

Year-Long Fellowships

Join ASP for a year of service and discernment.

Learn More

Summer Staff

Host volunteers and make an impact.

Learn More

College Alternative Break Trips

Serve with a group of volunteers from your school for an alternative break trip.

Learn More